The My Past Classes page of the PD Center contains a list of your past courses and their status.
1. You can access My Past Classes by clicking on the Menu button in the upper right corner of the PD Center and selecting My Past Classes.
2. The Past Classes display contains the name of each course, the start and end date, as well as the final status of the course. Statuses include:
Passed- Indicates that you have met all requirements for the course and will receive Act 48 credits. Your credits will be reported to PERMS approximately 2-3 weeks after the course has been graded.
Failed- Indicates that you have not met all requirements for the course and you will not receive Act 48 credits. After the course has concluded, you may re-enroll and take the course again if you wish. This information is not reported to PERMS.
Incomplete- Indicates that you did not complete the work for the course and will not receive Act 48 credits. After the course has concluded, you may re-enroll and take the course again if you wish. This information is not reported to PERMS.
Incomplete (withdrawn)- Indicates that you enrolled, but did not complete the course because you withdrew. You will not receive Act 48 credits for the course, but you may re-enroll and take the course if you wish. This information is not reported to PERMS.