As you move throughout the self-paced courses, you will be directed to complete the assignments associated with the course. You can find the assignments in the Assignments section, located on the left side of the screen. Click Assignments to view the assignments associated with this course.
Each assignment is listed by name, with its point value. Click the name of the assignment you are ready to complete.
Each assignment contains an explanation of the requirements, information on how many points it is worth, the passing score, and a link to the scoring rubric for the assignment. You may submit your work as an attachment, a text entry, or when applicable, a website URL. When you are ready to submit your assignment, click Submit Assignment.
This will open a section below the description of the assignment which shows your options for submitting the assignment. Select the tab that matches your preferred submission method.
To upload a file you have previously completed and saved on your computer, choose the File Upload tab, click Choose File, then browse to the files you wish to upload. Click Open on the browse window to add the file(s), then click Submit Assignment when you have added all of the files associated with the assignment. You may also add text to the comments box (if necessary).
If you wish to type your answer directly into the PD Center, choose Text Entry. Type your answer in the editor text box, and click Submit Assignment when you are satisfied that you have answered the question thoroughly. You may also leave a message in the comments box (if necessary). If you choose the text entry method, be aware that your work may be lost if the screen times out while you are working. It is recommended that you begin a new session before typing your work or that you compose your work in a word processing document and paste it into the text entry screen immediately before submitting.
You may also wish to submit your assignment via a website URL, if applicable to the assignment. Click Website URL and copy and paste the web address into the Website URL box. Click Submit Assignment after pasting in the web address.
Once you have submitted your work, you will see a confirmation in the upper right corner of your screen.
Your instructor will grade your work within five business days. When your work has been graded, you will see this in two locations upon logging in. Click Grades to view all of your assignments and grades. To jump directly to the assessment that was graded, click the Recent Feedback.
The newly graded items will have a blue dot in front of them. Click the title to view the assignment and your instructor's feedback.
Your grade appears in the upper right corner, with any comments from the instructor directly below that. If you wish to respond, you may do so using the Add a Comment feature.
When your course has been graded in its entirety, you will see each assessment listed with the score, the number of points possible, and a total percentage, which represents your final grade. Additionally, a comment bubble will appear if your instructor commented on the assessment.
Note that you must receive a passing score on each assignment regardless of the overall percentage grade you earn in order to pass the course.
Once you have completed a course, you can easily see the list of your past courses and their status on the My Past Classes page.