Data can be added to the Pathways to Graduation tool via the Upload Student Data feature. This feature allows users to add any data that the Pathways to Graduation Tool stores, including numerical data, Yes/No questions such as CTE enrollment and Act 136 Non-Numeric Proficiency, as well as student demographic information (including student names).
To access the Upload Student Data section, click on the Data Input icon:
You may download the CSV template, located in the Upload Student Data section (see Downloading a PGT Template). You may also use any CSV or Excel file, including those exported from your SIS. Column headers are not required to match Pathways to Graduation fields; you will make those adjustments in the Pre-Check and Mapping step.:
The PA Secure ID (student ID), AUN, branch number, and graduation year are required fields when adding new records. The PA Secure ID is required for all uploads. All other data is optional. This template may be used both to add student records and to update student records. When uploading data for existing student records, if a score exists in the system for the exam in your upload, the system will automatically overwrite those existing scores only if the new score is higher. Lower scores will produce an error message and will be discarded by the system.
Drag the saved file to the File Drop Area, as pictured below. This area can also be clicked on to open a browse dialog box. This dialog box can be used to select the file.
As the file is being uploaded to the Import Tool, a green progress bar will appear. When the upload is complete, the progress bar will disappear, and an icon will show the size and name of the file. Multiple files can be uploaded at the same time. If there is a problem during the upload, an X will appear over the file icon. Click Remove File to remove the file and try again.
Once the files are successfully uploaded, click Next: Import Files.
See Pre-Check and Field Mapping for information on mapping the fields in your file to Pathways to Graduation Fields and clearing any Pre-Check Errors before importing your data.