While much of the data in the Pathways to Graduation Tool will be added via the Batch Upload, there may be times when you wish to update individual student records with information specific to that student.
To access an individual student record, you can click on the student ID anywhere it appears in a dashboard, or you can search for the student on the Data Input page. Begin typing the student's PA Secure ID into the Search Student PA Secure ID field, select it when it appears, and click Edit Student Data:
There are seven data input pages. You can work through any or all of the pages at a time, depending on the information you need to enter:
Quick Start Questionnaire: This page contains the ability to deactivate an account (in the event that a student moves, for example) and questions that pertain to multiple pathways.
Keystone Scores: This page details Keystone Scores and associated topics such as non-numeric proficiency.
Keystone Proficiency Pathway: This page contains the options/evidence necessary to meet the Keystone Proficiency Pathway.
Keystone Composite Pathway: This page contains the options/evidence necessary to meet the Keystone Composite Pathway.
CTE Concentrator Pathway: This page contains the options/evidence necessary to meet the CTE Concentrator Pathway.
Alternative Assessment Pathway: This page contains the options/evidence necessary to meet the Alternative Assessment Pathway.
Evidence-Based Pathway: This page contains the options/evidence necessary to meet the Evicdence-Based Pathway.
Select the page you wish to work on using the Data Input drop down menu in the upper left corner of your screen:
There are several types of questions on the data input pages.
Exam scores, with the exception of the ACT WorkKeys, are entered as numerical data, typing into the score field:
Other questions require a Yes/No answer:
Finally, some questions are simple check boxes:
To the right of each type or piece of evidence, there is either a green or red box, showing that this section of the pathway has been met or not met:
At the top of each page, there is a banner that starts as red and updates to green once a pathway has been completed. Additionally, at the bottom of each page, the overarching requirements are listed, and it is noted if those have been satisfied or not satisfied: