1. Access the Educator Effectiveness section by clicking the Educator Effectiveness button.
Act 13 of 2020 , signed into law by Gov. Tom Wolf on March 27, 2020, revises the Act 82 Educator Effectiveness (EE) process used to evaluate professional employees in PK-12 education across the commonwealth. Effective the 2021-2022 school year, the revised rating system will take effect for classroom teachers, non-teaching professionals, and principals as defined in Act 82 and Act 13. The Educator Effectiveness page will assist you in navigating the revised rating system.
2. The Educator Effectiveness Frameworks identify aspects of an educator's responsibilities that have been documented through research as promoting improved professional practice.
Click on the document title to view, download, or print the desired Educator Effectiveness Framework.
3. The Performance Templates, crafted as a customizable document, are designed to facilitate active participation in the evaluation process.
Available in both Word and PDF formats, click on the desired document title to view, download, or print the Performance Templates.
4. Information, resources, and modules on Act 13 of 2020 for use in training educators about this law governing educator effectiveness in Pennsylvania can be found within the Professional Development section of the Educator Effectiveness page.
To visit the PA Act 13 Website, click on the title.
To access the available Act 13 training modules, click the title of the desired module.
To learn more about and register for the Program for Principals and School Leaders, click the PDE PIL Inspired Leaders link.
5. The Charlotte Danielson rubrics and the supplements for Teacher Professionals with unique Roles and Functions are located toward the bottom of the page. Use the arrows in the Charlotte Danielson rubrics to drill down to the topic of interest.
Click on the Reference button to view, download, or print a full PDF of The Framework for Teaching Evaluation Instrument document by Charlotte Danielson.